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Homeधार्मिक कहानियाँभीम द्वारा जयद्रथ की दुर्गति ~ महाभारत Jayadratha's

भीम द्वारा जयद्रथ की दुर्गति ~ महाभारत Jayadratha’s

भीम द्वारा जयद्रथ की दुर्गति ~ महाभारत

एक बार पाँचों पाण्डव आवश्यक कार्यवश बाहर गये हुए थे। आश्रम में केवल द्रौपदी, उसकी एक दासी और पुरोहित धौम्य ही थे। उसी समय सिन्धु देश का राजा जयद्रथ, जो विवाह की इच्छा से शाल्व देश जा रहा था, उधर से निकला। अचानक आश्रम के द्वार पर खड़ी द्रौपदी पर उसकी द‍ृष्टि पड़ी और वह उस पर मुग्ध हो उठा। उसने अपनी सेना को वहीं रोक कर अपने मित्र कोटिकास्य से कहा- “कोटिक! तनिक जाकर पता लगाओ कि यह सर्वांग सुन्दरी कौन है? यदि यह स्त्री मुझे मिल जाय तो फिर मुझे विवाह के लिए शाल्व देश जाने की क्या आवश्यकता है?”

मित्र जयद्रथ की बात सुनकर कोटिकास्य द्रौपदी के पास पहुँचा और बोला- “हे कल्याणी! आप कौन हैं? कहीं आप कोई अप्सरा या देवकन्या तो नहीं हैं?” द्रौपदी ने उत्तर दिया- “मैं जग विख्यात पाँचों पाण्डवों की पत्‍नी द्रौपदी हूँ। मेरे पति अभी आने ही वाले हैं, अतः आप लोग उनकी आतिथ्य सेवा स्वीकार करके यहाँ से प्रस्थान करें। आप लोगों से प्रार्थना है कि उनके आने तक आप लोग कुटी के बाहर विश्राम करें। मैं आप लोगों के भोजन का प्रबन्ध करती हूँ।” ( भीम द्वारा जयद्रथ की दुर्गति )

महाभारत की सम्पूर्ण कथा पढ़ें :

champion के निर्णय कुछ ऐसे होते है । जो उसे success बनाते है ।

धार्मिक कहानियाँ social media बड़ी सोच motivational success story

महाभारत की सम्पूर्ण कथा! Complete Mahabharata Story In Hindi

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friend अच्छा मित्र कौन ? जानिए विस्तार से ।

best Motivational Quote of all time प्रेरणादायक विचार

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श्रीरामचरितमानस बालकाण्ड भावार्थ सहित पढ़े ।

blood donate रक्तदान महादान या सबसे बड़ा दान है । जानिए कैसे ?

कैसे बने champion ( चैम्पियन ) दौलत के खेल में

friendship क्यो जरूरी ? जानिए विस्तार पूर्वक ।

success define सफलता की परिभाषा जानिए ?

सम्पूर्ण Durga Saptashati

Google search engine क्या है ? जानिए विस्तार पूर्वक

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Quality of life “आदते” आपके जीवन की quality तय करती है ।

सफलता (success) की राह

माँ तुझे बार – बार सादर प्रणाम । happy mothers day

फेसबुक (Facebook) क्या है ?जानिए ।

अमीरों के रास्ते

parents ही बच्चो को काबिल बनाये कैसे?

history of cricket में पहला टॉस, पहला रन और पहला शतक, किसने, कब, कहाँ बनाया था?

भगवान विष्णु के 24 अवतार कौन से हैं, जानिए । Lord Vishnu avatars

friends अधिक हो या न हो friendship मित्रता लाजवाब होनी चाहिए ।

जानिए,आप महत्वपूर्ण बन रहे है,अथवा महत्वहीन ।

success rules सफलता आन्तरिक नियमो से मिलती है ।

decision making निर्णय लेने की क्षमता के अद्भभुद फायदें ।

भगवान विष्णु का वाहन गरुड़ कौन था, जानिए रहस्य

blood donation camp लोगो को नया जीवन दान देते है । कैसे ?

वैचारिक जहर से बचो विकास करो।

habits of successful people. आदते आपका भविष्य तय करती है ।

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कैसे हुआ जन्म और मृत्यु से परे भगवान शिव का अवतरण

26 November विश्व पर्यावरण संरक्षण दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं ।

सौभाग्यशाली कैसे बने ?

असफलता से बचने के Five point.

हर जानकारी अपनी भाषा हिंदी में सरल शब्दों में प्राप्त करने के लिए  हमारे फेसबुक पेज को लाइक करे जहाँ आपको सही बात पूरी जानकारी के साथ प्रदान की जाती है । हमारे फेसबुक पेज को लाइक करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ।

Jayadratha’s tragedy by Bhima

Once all the five Pandavas had gone out for necessary work. In the ashram, only Draupadi, one of her maidservants, and the priest were dhomya. At the same time Jayadratha, the king of the Indus country, who was going to Shalva country for want of marriage, left there. Suddenly Draupadi standing at the door of the ashram saw her and he was enchanted by her. He stopped his army there and told his friend Kotikasya – “Kotik! Go and find out who is this beautiful girl? If I find this woman, then why do I need to go to Shalwa country for marriage? ”

On hearing the friend Jayadratha, Kotikasya reached Draupadi and said- “O Kalyani! Who are you? Are you any Apsara or Devakanya? ” Draupadi replied- “I am Draupadi, the wife of the five famous Pandavas. My husband is just about to come, so you people should accept his hospitality and leave from here. You are requested to rest outside the hut till their arrival. I manage your food. ”

Read the complete story of Mahabharata:

The complete story of Mahabharata! Complete Mahabharata Story In Hindi

Kotikasya went to Jayadratha and introduced Draupadi. On knowing the introduction, Jayadratha went to Draupadi and said- “O Draupadi! You are the wife of those people who move around in the forest and cannot provide you any kind of pleasure. You abandon the Pandavas and marry me and enjoy the kingdom of the entire Indus and Saubir country. ”

Listening to Jayadratha’s words, Draupadi cursed her very much, but Kamandha Jayadradha had no influence on her curse and dragged Draupadi powerfully and seated her in the chariot. When Guru Dhaumya came to protect Draupadi, Jayadratha threw him to the ground there and started driving his chariot from there. Draupadi was mourning in the chariot and Guru Dhaumya ran behind the chariot, calling the Pandavas.

After some time when the Pandavas returned, the weeping maid told them the whole story. Knowing everything, the Pandavas chased Jayadratha and soon surrounded him with his army. There was a fierce war on both sides.

All the brothers and Kotikasya of Jayadratha were killed by the might of Pandavas and his army escaped from the battlefield. Sahadeva captured the chariot of Jayadratha along with Draupadi. Seeing his army running away, Jayadratha himself fled on foot. Leaving Sahadeva, the rest of the Pandavas fled and started chasing Jayadratha.
Bhima and Arjun leaped and surrounded Jayadratha from the front and caught his peak. Then in anger, Bhima slammed him into the earth and repaired it with kick punches. When Jayadratha became half-dead due to Bhima’s attack, Arjun said- “Brother Bheem! Do not kill it, it will be punished by our deeds Yudhishthira. ”

Hearing Arjuna’s words, Bhima folded Jayadratha’s hairstyle with his crescent arrows and put five braids on it and tied it, and presented it to Yudhishthira. Dharmaraja Yudhishthira rebuked Jayadratha and said, “Hey wicked Jayadratha! If we want, we can kill you right now, but we will not do so keeping in mind the legal woe of sister Dushala. Go free you. ” Hearing this, Jayadratha is distressed, bowed his head with shame, and went away.

Going from there into the forest, Jayadratha did severe penance of Lord Shankar. Pleased with his penance, Shankar Ji asked him to ask for the bride. Jayadratha said on this – “God! I ask for the blessing of conquering the five Pandavas in battle. ” On this, Lord Shankar, expressing his inability, said to Jayadratha- “O Jayadratha! The Pandavas are invincible and it is impossible to do so. Sri Krishna is the incarnation of Narayana and Arjuna is the incarnation of ‘Nar’. I have already given Arjuna the bridesmaid of attaining Trilok victory and the Pashupatiastra. Yes, you can definitely repel the remaining Pandavas once in Arjuna’s absence. ” Saying so, Lord Shankar disappeared from there and Mandabuddhi Jayadratha also returned to his kingdom.

parmender yadav
parmender yadav
I am simple and honest person



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