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Homeधार्मिक कहानियाँकर्ण और अर्जुन का संग्राम कर्ण वध ~ महाभारत

कर्ण और अर्जुन का संग्राम कर्ण वध ~ महाभारत

कर्ण और अर्जुन का संग्राम और कर्ण वध ~ महाभारत

द्रोणाचार्य की मृत्यु के बाद दुर्योधन पुन: शोक से आतुर हो उठा। अब द्रोणाचार्य के बाद कर्ण उसकी सेना का कर्णधार हुआ। पाण्डव सेना का आधिपत्य अर्जुन को मिला। कर्ण और अर्जुन में भाँति-भाँति के अस्त्र-शस्त्रों की मार-काट से युक्त महाभयानक युद्ध हुआ, जो देवासुर-संग्राम को भी मात करने वाला था।
कर्ण और अर्जुन के संग्राम में कर्ण ने अपने बाणों से शत्रु-पक्ष के बहुत-से वीरों का संहार कर डाला। सत्रहवें दिन से पहले तक, कर्ण का युद्ध अर्जुन के अतिरिक्त सभी पांडवों से हुआ। उसने महाबली भीम सहित पाण्डवों को एक-पर-एक रण में परास्त किया, पर माता कुंती को दिए वचनानुसार उसने किसी भी पाण्डव की हत्या नहीं की।
महाभारत की सम्पूर्ण कथा पढ़ें :

हर जानकारी अपनी भाषा हिंदी में सरल शब्दों में प्राप्त करने के लिए  हमारे फेसबुक पेज को लाइक करे जहाँ आपको सही बात पूरी जानकारी के साथ प्रदान की जाती है । हमारे फेसबुक पेज को लाइक करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ।

The Battle of Karna and Arjuna and the Karna Slaughter ~ Mahabharata

After the death of Dronacharya, Duryodhana again became mourned. Now Karna became the helm of his army after Dronacharya. The Pandava army gained the dominance of Arjuna. Karna and Arjuna had an epic battle involving the destruction of weapons and weapons, which was also going to defeat Dewasur-Sangram.

In the battle of Karna and Arjuna, Karna killed many heroes of the enemy side with his arrows. Before the seventeenth day, Karna fought with all the Pandavas except Arjuna. He defeated the Pandavas including Mahabali Bhima in a one-on-one battle, but he did not kill any Pandavas as promised to Mata Kunti.

Read the complete story of Mahabharata:

Complete story of Mahabharata! Complete Mahabharata Story In Hindi

In the seventeenth day of war, that moment finally came when Karna and Arjuna came face to face. Both were equal in this glorious struggle. Karna was given the form of a bow called Vijay by his guru Parashurama, which was designed by Vishwakarma himself.

On Duryodhana’s request, the Pandava’s maternal uncle agreed to become the charioteer of Shalya Karna. Because Arjuna’s charioteer was Sri Krishna himself and Karna was not to be inferior to Arjuna in any case, he was requested to become a charioteer by surgery.

Maharaj had all those qualities in surgery, which should be in a qualified charioteer. It was also characteristic of the war between Arjuna and Karna that when Arjuna’s arrows hit Karna’s chariot, his chariot would slide back many yards, but when Karna’s arrows hit Arjuna’s chariot, his chariot would be only a few balishtas ( The distance of the palm) moves away. On this, Krishna praised Karna. Surprised, Arjuna asked the reason for this praise of Karna, because his arrows were more effective in pushing the chariot back.

Then Shri Krishna said that “Karna’s chariot has only the weight of Karna and Surgical, but Arjuna himself is seated on your chariot, you, I and Veer Hanuman themselves, and even then Karna pushed his chariot back a few times. ”

In the battle, Karna cut the bow of Arjuna several times, but each time Arjun would blink the bow. Karna praises Arjuna for this and says surgically that- “He now understood why Arjuna is called the best archer”.

Karna and Arjun fought a long and fierce battle, making full use of their knowledge of wielding divine weapons. ‘Nagastra’ was used by Karna to separate Arjuna from the head, but at the right time by Sri Krishna the chariot was slightly sunk into the ground, leaving Arjuna alive. This led to ‘Nagastra’ piercing his crown just above Arjun’s head. The Ashwaseena Nag present on Nagastra requested Karna to use that weapon again so that this time it would come out piercing Arjuna’s body, but Karna refused to reuse the weapon by following the promise given to Mata Kunti. done.

Rashtrakavi Dinkar has glorified the life of the Maharthi cause in his famous poem Rashmirathi, read the entire poem at this link:

Although the war was getting stale, Karna got entangled when one of the wheels of his chariot got stuck in the earth. He also finds himself unable to use divine weapons, as was the curse of his guru Parashurama. Karna then stepped down to take off the wheel of his chariot and requested Arjuna to stop running the arrow for a while, following the rules of war. ”

Then Krishna says to Arjuna – “Karna has no right to talk about war rules and religion, while he himself did not follow any war rules and religion at the time of Abhimanyu’s slaughter.” He went on to say “where did his religion go when he called Divya-born Draupadi as a prostitute in front of the entire Kuru Rajya Sabha. Where did her religion go in the gaming hall. So she no longer has any rights to any religion or Talk about war rules. ” He told Arjuna that “Now Karna is helpless, so he should kill him.”

Sri Krishna says that “Arjuna, if you have not yet killed Karna at this critical turn, the Pandavas will probably never be able to kill him and this battle will never be won.” Then Arjuna, using a divine weapon, separated Karna from the head. After Karna’s body fell to the ground, a flame emerged from Karna’s body and was absorbed into the sun. Subsequently King Shalya became the commander of the Kaurava army, but he could last only half a day in the war. By midday, Yudhishthira took him to death.

parmender yadav
parmender yadav
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