Inspirational Quotes By BTS Jimin

  1. “I feel that we are only running forward without rest. I hope that we can find time to relax and smile a bit more.”
  2. “Never give up on a dream that you’ve been chasing almost your whole life.”
  3. “If your heart has grown bigger, that also means you have let go and emptied out many things. This shows that you have let go of the bad things and are left with nothing but happiness and freedom.”
  4. “Go on your own path, even if you live for a day.”
  5. “I want to grow further and faster so I can show them a really great performance. In my head, I was telling the fans, ‘I’ll do better real soon’.”
  6. Remember, there is a person here in Korea, in the city of Seoul, who understands you.”
  7. “There is beauty in everything; it’s just that not everyone sees it.”
  8. “I was born suddenly in order to meet all of you. So please love me a lot.”
  9. “It’s alright if you started right now. It’s alright if you’re in a good mood. It’s alright if you do everything you want to do. It’s alright if you miss Bangtan. Just be happy.”
  10. “From the beginning until now, all this was made possible because of our fans.”
  11. “I thought the phrase love Yourself’ would mean something extra special to people who are harsh on themselves.


BTS Jimin is known for his inspiring quotes that resonate with fans around the world. One of his famous quotes is, “Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to express who you truly are.” This quote encourages individuals to embrace their uniqueness and have confidence in their abilities. Another powerful quote by Jimin is, “Hard times may come, but they will not last forever.” This quote reminds people that challenges are temporary and that they have the strength to overcome any obstacles they face. Jimin’s uplifting words serve as a source of motivation and inspiration for fans, reminding them to stay true to themselves and keep pushing forward no matter what.

Inspiring Quotes By BTS Jimin FAQ’S

What was Jimin's famous quote?

Jimin. 'Go on your path, even if you live for a day.' 'Once your heart is moved, it will develop to something better and positive.' 'I hope you will never give up.

Why do you admire Jimin?

Jimin is sweet, caring and thoughtful by nature. He doesn't shy away from touching and hugging the rest of the members to show he loves and appreciates them一and he does it so often and randomly.

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