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You Can Call Me Bill Release Date 2024, Advance Booking, Trailer, Story Cast, Reviews & About More

You Can Call Me Bill:- Army M has revealed the trailer and theatrical delivery date for Doc William Shatner: You Can Call Me Bill, revealing that it will make a big appearance on multiple screens in North America on 20 March, as Shatner makes his 93rd appearance. Making. Celebrated his 10th birthday. Presale ticket bundles are currently available. Watch the trailer above. Army M, the world’s most memorable fan entertainment organization, is appropriating the film and has collaborated with Falling Forward Movies for theater bookings and FilmFrog for theater promotions. Vortex Media holds the Canadian independence and will also distribute the film. Could coordinate the mind.

“Star Journey” was a hit, yet its ratings languished for a long time, which is why it was canceled in 1969 after three seasons and 79 episodes. Shatner tells a harrowing story that takes place shortly after the show closed, when he was penniless, isolated and living almost out of his vehicle. Who would have guessed by then that “Star Journey” had enjoyed only the first of its nine lives? The narrative reflects how Shatner, as he made his career out of projecting his public legend, integrated his personality with his inner hambone artist. Shatner’s words in “You Can Call Me Bill” speak passionately about Earth’s ecological emergency. One can’t help feeling that Shatner confronts this as somehow a Kirkian problem.

You Can Call Me Bill Release Date 2024

Directed by Alexandre O. Philippe, You Can Call Me Bill is presented as a personal examination of Shatner’s life and profession. From his extraordinary portrayal of Chief James T. Kirk in Star Trip Establishment to his diverse accomplishments across a 70+ year career in film, TV, and human expression, the story epitomizes Shatner’s extraordinary commitments to touring and media outlets. You Can Call Me Bill is a close examination of the life and business of William Shatner. From his amazing portrayal of Chief James T. Kirk in Star Excursion to his diverse accomplishments across a 70+ year career in film, television and human expression, the story captures the essence of Shatner’s excursions and his remarkable responsibilities to news sources.

Shatner is best known as Star Trip’s first Captain James T. Kirk, who has held many different jobs during his acting career. “Everything is dangerous, yet, what is really wonderful is.” to praise. Visionary creator Alexandre O. Coordinated by Philip, the narrative element film titled William Shatner: You Can Call Me Bill is a personal investigation into the life and profession of William Shatner. From his extraordinary portrayal of Chief James T. Kirk in Star Trip to his diverse accomplishments across a 70+ year career in film, TV and human expression, the film captures the essence of Shatner’s touring and unprecedented commitments to his media outlets. The documentary was funded entirely by over 1,200 fans through Army M’s creative “fan-first-supporting” initiative, which allowed individuals to claim a monetary stake in the film and any profits it made.

You Can Call Me Bill

You Can Call Me Bill Details 2024

Article Name You Can Call Me Bill Release Date 2024, Advance Booking, Trailer, Story Cast, Reviews & About More
Release Date
20 March 2024
Category Entertainment
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About You Can Call Me Bill

You Can Call Me Bill” lead by Alexandre O. is the latest story from Philip, who spends a significant amount of time digging up delicious topics from the pop world and delving into them. Phillips often leans toward horror (“Memory: The Starting Points of Outsider,” “Doc of the Dead,” and his most prominent film, “78/52: Hitchcock’s Shower Scene”), yet with varying themes. So if you go to his new movie, which is about William Shatner, it Assuming this would be a somewhat different choice from the traditional representation of William Shatner, you’d be absolutely right.

You Can Call Me Bill Lights With A Camera 

The film is built around a meeting with the incredible 91-year-old entertainer, who is still fierce and playful, capturing every moment of Completely alive. In “You Can Call Me Bill” Shatner is sitting under hot lights with a camera close to his face, talking, talking constantly – endurance, ending, acting, deep respect, love, oblivion. And about trees. No other man is judged. Shatner is never called “Bill” nor does he ever say, “You can call me Bill.” No attention is paid to his hairpiece. Which is basically in line with his own statement. However, “You Can Call Me Bill” cuts charmingly between the hilarious mind and wit of this William Shatner conversation and the abundant film of his profession – “Star Outing” shows, “Star Excursion” movies, early TV work.

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You Can Call Me Bill Advance Booking

Advance booking for the highly anticipated movie “You Can Call Me Bill” is now open, and fans are already buzzing with excitement. Starring A-list actors and backed by a talented production team, this film promises to be a blockbuster hit. With its gripping storyline and stunning visuals, it’s no surprise that tickets are selling out fast. Moviegoers are advised to secure their seats early to avoid missing out on this cinematic masterpiece.

You Can Call Me Bill the entertainer Shatner

(“A Twilight Zone,” “The Outer Limits”), various motion pictures he was in (“Judgment at Nuremberg,” “The Gatecrasher”), his “T.J. Prostitute” second, his Priceline commercials, and his anthology Study “Rocket Man”, they all, sooner or later, coalesce into one wonderful ball of Shatnerescence. The theme of the film, which is rarely expressed (that is, important for its warm humor), is the harmony between the entertainer Shatner and the philosophical showbiz life guru Shatner, who, in some capacity, regurgitates his deepest thoughts when Since then he doesn’t act anymore and has emotions. He’s wired that way. That’s Shatner’s harmony.

You Can Call Me Bill Maternal Nature

Is William Shatner a good entertainer? This is an investigation that, if you really look into it, can make your head spin. Only contributions of $100 were allowed. Shatner portrays being raised in a liberal Jewish family in Montreal by his strict clothing manufacturer father and a mother who is weak in maternal nature, and Shatner’s ability to display what you feel in the delicious showmanship of sentimentality. There’s almost a longing. It is this inquiry that “You Can Call Me Bill” is, to some extent, a test of. For a specific type of fan boy fanatic, the response is obvious: Obviously he’s a good entertainer! There are people all over the world, and have been for a very long time, who love William Shatner for his performance as Captain James T. Kirk.

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You Can Call Me Bill The Word Camp

Shatner brought something enduring to “Star Journey,” which is one of those iconic TV hits that people really respect and emulate. However, there is another type of Shatner fan, one who doesn’t so much contemplate but rather entertain. I would put myself in that camp – and, of course, you can’t really get into it without using the word camp. Kirk, who was likewise warm and friendly (Shatner says he tried to make him a leader who didn’t need to give orders), had a philosophical bent, which is why he got along well with Leonard Nimoy’s gnomic Spock. “As we progress through the years we ask ourselves: Do we really know each other? Do we really know ourselves?”

You Can Call Me Bill Festival Tour 

Army M has released an official trailer for the narrative film titled You Can Call Me Bill, a biographical fan-exciting glimpse based on the famous life of actor William Shatner. “Armed Forces M is treating fans to William Shatner’s 93rd birthday with a crosscountry sensational story about his life.” The film is directed by acclaimed documentarian Alexandre O. Philippe (78/52, Memory: The Beginnings of Outsider) and debuted at the 2024 SXSW Film Festival, having made several stops on its festival tour the year before. doc is a cozy portrait of William Shatner’s own excursion north of ninety years on this planet, You Can Summon Me Bill sheds all the cloaks he has worn to portray myriad characters, and behind everything exposes the man.

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You Can Call Me Bill Trailer 

You Can Call Me Bill Reviews

“You Can Call Me Bill” has been receiving rave reviews from both critics and audiences alike. The film, directed by a promising new talent in the industry, follows the heartwarming journey of a man who embarks on a quest for self-discovery and redemption. With its compelling storyline, well-developed characters, and stellar performances from the cast, “You Can Call Me Bill” has struck a chord with viewers of all ages. The movie’s poignant moments are expertly balanced with humor, making it an engaging and enjoyable watch from start to finish. Overall, “You Can Call Me Bill” is a must-see film that delivers on all fronts and is sure to leave a lasting impression on its audience.


The film “You Can Call Me Bill” is a touching portrayal of self-exploration and development, showcasing the protagonist’s evolution from uncertainty to self-assurance. It emphasizes the significance of accepting one’s authentic self and pursuing personal interests, underlining the meaningful connections we form and the influence we hold over one another. The movie concludes with a message of optimism and motivation, reassuring viewers that despite obstacles, happiness and contentment can always be rediscovered.

You Can Call Me Bill FAQ’S

When will You Can Call Me Bill be released?

20 March 2024

Who will star in You Can Call Me Bill?

William Shatner

Who is the writer for You Can Call Me Bill?

Alexandre O. Philippe

Who is the director of You Can Call Me Bill?

Alexandre O. Philippe

Who is the composer for You Can Call Me Bill?

William Shatner

Who is the producer of You Can Call Me Bill?

Kerry Deignan Roy

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